
Onkyo HT-S3300 5.1-Channel Home Theater Receiver and Speaker Package (Black)

Onkyo HT-S3300 5.1-Channel Home Theater Receiver and Speaker Package (Black)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Eliminating that Terrible Hum From Your Home Theater Speakers

Eliminating that Terrible Hum From Your Home Theater Speakers

You've all heard it, that dreaded 60Hz hum straight through the speakers of a home theater or house Audio system. Hopefully you heard it at a friend's house and not your own. It can drive you completely nuts. You may have even tried, unsuccessfully, to fix the exiguous Noise problem. That can make you even more crazy. What causes that horrendous Noise straight through your speakers?

Eliminating that Terrible Hum From Your Home Theater Speakers

Eliminating that Terrible Hum From Your Home Theater Speakers

Eliminating that Terrible Hum From Your Home Theater Speakers

Eliminating that Terrible Hum From Your Home Theater Speakers

Eliminating that Terrible Hum From Your Home Theater Speakers

More often than not humming straight through your speakers is caused by a grounding problem. There are three main ground problems that cause problems in an Audio / video system. These are ground loops, improper grounding and lack of a ground altogether. The other possible culprits that can cause Noise are bad cables, a faulty piece of tool or electrical noise from a Lighting dimmer or electric motor. There are steps you can take to troubleshoot the noise and eliminate it from you theater.

The first step is find out where it is arrival from. Disconnect your source and display tool from your receiver or surround sound processor. If the noise stops, connect them back to the receiver or processor on at a time until the noise returns. When the hum comes back, you found where the noise is entering your system. Note that if you are connecting remote equipment, such as running the signal from your theater room Dvd player to the Tv in the bedroom, your chances to pick up noise growth dramatically. With such long runs, noise can be induced into the long cable runs from adjacent electrical wiring. It is also easy to create a ground loop, because the tool is plugged into two different, widely separated outlets, on separate electrical circuits.

If the noise is caused by a cable box, the noise is likely caused by the cable Tv ground. To test this theory, disconnect the incoming cable Tv feed to the rear of the cable box or Tv while they are still associated to the rest of the system. If the noise is eliminated by disconnecting the Tv cable, the problem is the cable Tv ground. You can electrically decouple the cable Tv feed from your principles with a ground breaking transformer. These are ready from many sources. Be advised that many newer, digital cable Tv systems require any device in the signal chain to pass a full 1,000 Mhz. Some of the older ground break transformers will not do this. Be sure to check the specifications of anything device you are purchasing to verify it will pass the digital cable Tv signal.

If the noise is from your projector, Tv, or monitor, it is most likely caused because the video display device is plugged into a separate outlet than the other a/v equipment. It could be on a separate circuit as well. These circuits may have two separate ground potentials. That is, the resistance to ground is separate on each circuit. A discrepancy in resistance to ground from one ground point to someone else can cause the dreaded ground loop. If you get a ground loop, current flows in the middle of the two components. If the current flows straight through the components internal Audio signal ground, you will get a hum.

You can use an isolation transformer, similar to the type used for cable Tv ground problems, to eliminate the electrical association from one component to the other. These transformers are inserted in line with the Audio signal association in the middle of the two components. If there is no audio association in the middle of the components, the problem may be current flowing straight through the video portion. In this case, a video isolation transformer should be used to eliminate the ground loop.

Sometimes Power conditioners will stop noise problems by placing tool on different, electrically isolated outlets. This is done using isolation transformers. Sometimes this is ineffective however, due to the differences in internal building of separate Power conditioning equipment. Some security regulations, such as Ul 1950, specify that an isolation transformer is only allowed to separate the hot and neutral wires; the grounding wire must be passed level through. If this is the case, the ground loop problem may still exist because many transportation circuits are associated to the grounding conductor and not the neutral. In this case, the isolation transformer, or any power conditioner or Ups with an isolation transformer will have literally no sway on the grounding problem.

The noise may be generated externally, from a dimmer or refrigerator Compressor for example, and arrival in straight through the main power input on the audio video equipment. In this case, a high quality power conditioner may be effective in reducing or eliminating the noise problem. You may also find that one of the signal interconnecting cables in your principles is faulty. This can also cause noise problems. Check for this by swapping the cables with one that you know to be good.

You can solve most noise problems in your home theater or multi room audio/video principles by taking the systematic, step-by-step approach. Work your way up the signal chain, eliminating each piece of tool as you go. If you have nothing associated to your speakers except the speaker wiring, and they still hum, the problem is noise induced into the speaker wiring from adjacent power cables. Other than that case, most problems are caused by ground problems, which you can find, and solve, if you take it one step at a time.

Eliminating that Terrible Hum From Your Home Theater Speakers

Tags : Rechargeable Batteries | Green Battery Chargers | Harness Puppy 30-110mm f/3.8-5.6 VR

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Cinema

The Cinema

From its humble beginnings, cinema has been heralded as a uniquely endowed art form providing an escapist for a socially alienated audience. From a historical point of view, cinema seems to have played the same public role in the 21st century as that of the novel in the 18th century. Filmmaker and writer William Burrough writes, "What has made money will make money." This axiom encourages studios to the tried-and-tested method rather than experiment with a new twist or a new technique.

The Cinema

The Cinema

The Cinema

The Cinema

The Cinema

Screenwriter Clodualdo Del Mundo Jr., Ph.D (University of Iowa), illustrates the "Filmaking Universe" explaining the inner circle as the mainstream industry, whereas the outer circles enumerate for alternative films. "The farther the screenwriter is from the center, the more independent he or she becomes," Del Mundo says.

It is leading to know that there are dissimilar audiences. The industrial commerce already has a niche store but independent filmmakers still have to look for their own audience. Apart from being financed by independent producers and agencies, alternative films can also be sponsored by embassies and screened for festivals (i.e. Cine Europa, Spanish, and Japanese films).

"The idea is not to compete but to make films that the mainstream is not doing. It is leading to think of subjects that the commerce does not deal with, and look for new and dissimilar ways to tell stories," adds Del Mundo. Today's trend also reveals computer-generated films and characters - the Transformer, among others. "It all depends on what one is seeing for," he asserts. For the industry, a good film is the one that will make money. The ability of the film is incidental. However spirited films can also be good."

How prosperous has the underground art film been as an alternative to the industrial films? Experimental films, which presumably are not concerned with industrial viability, have an entirely dissimilar set of criteria. For example, in the industrial films of Anthony Balch, it has been said that the conscious, logical part of the mind is like the tip of the iceberg that appears above the water. What he is trying to do is to jar citizen into developing an awareness of an area under the water by precisely showing them mechanisms of perception that, of course, go on all the time.

"In writing a film, one has to be interested in the project. That is a prerequisite. In my case, I try to write the best I could. I work covering the mainstream so I do not get projects often. However, I have a regular job as professor. In that way, I can select projects I want to write. My two jobs complement each other."

Certainly, the cinema is privileged for this duplicate adventure of acknowledging and exploring the difficulty of the world. That which takes place in our dreams is infinitely more spirited (because it's richer, less prearranged, more capable of revealing our relations with reality) than the gestures and words, the thoughts and settings, that constitute the fabric of our socialized life. Cinema is an instrument for comprehension the contemporary man and shaping the man of the time to come as well.

Clodualdo Del Mundo Jr. Is a professor and a respected filmwriter.

The Cinema

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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Home Recording Studio Basics - Here's What You Need to record

Home Recording Studio Basics - Here's What You Need to record

After I had blown quite a few thousand dollars in a recording studio, a sound engineer friend made a cool suggestion. "Why don't you buy an Adat, and do some tracking at home?" So I purchased that venerable 8 track digital tape recorder and saved oodles of time and money putting all my synth tracks on tape. That was my start in home recording, and oh, the fun I've had since!

Home Recording Studio Basics - Here's What You Need to record

Home Recording Studio Basics - Here's What You Need to record

Home Recording Studio Basics - Here's What You Need to record

Home Recording Studio Basics - Here's What You Need to record

Home Recording Studio Basics - Here's What You Need to record

What are the basic pieces of equipment and software one needs to record at home?

There are so many ways to do this! Well, since you're reading this, you probably have a computer, so let's base our home studio on the computer. We'll start by comprehension the dissimilar functions we will need filled in home recording. Then we'll understand what the best hardware and software products to do it are. In general, the principle I recommend is to use fewer pieces of equipment with more functions. That advent saves time and, usually, money. As you develop in your recording skills, you can go for more specialized equipment.

There are two positive phases in recording a song. One is the "in" phase, referring to everything needed to get your music operation into a basic recorded form, with any way many tracks you need. The second phase is the "out" phase, where you will take that raw music, process it and generate the final stereo version.

The "in" phase -- sending the music to your computer

Music can be put into your computer whether as Audio or as Midi. Audio is actual sound recordings. Midi records no sounds, but only the digital instructions for an instrument to play. It is much like a aggregate of a pianist and sheet music. Without an instrument, he can make no music. With Midi, you are recovery the note and volume instructions to be played on the instruments of your option later on.

Although some programs let you put Midi notes into your computer through your computer keyboard, and other programs have music generation features that allow you to generate an entire backing band without playing a note, the best solution is a velocity sensitive Midi keyboard. It gives a much more realistic performance. For example, playing a key softer will record a softer note. Other features, such as aftertouch, allow you to add vibrato and other realistic effects.

Audio plainly means actual sounds. Audio tracks will consist of vocals, acoustic instruments, and electronic instruments whose sounds you wish to use. You will do well to get at least two microphones. Some microphones are good constructed to record vocals, while others are optimized for instruments. In addition, having two mics allows you to record in stereo, or two soloists performing at the same time.

Receiving the music into your computer

All of this will get your music up to your computer's door. How do you get it inside? With an audio interface that has: a microphone jack that fits your microphone cable and preamp function (so that the signal is strong enough to be properly recorded), phantom Power (if you use a condenser mic that needs it), a line input for synths and sound modules, and a Midi interface. Remember the principle - less products that do more. Some find it simpler to run every audio sound, mics and all, through a hardware mixer (with phantom Power and effects) and sending that pre-processed signal to the audio interface's line input. You'll still need the Midi interface function for your Midi recording, though.

Once your audio and Midi are inside your computer, software takes over. For our recording we will use what's called an integrated audio/Midi sequencer. Sublime names consist of Cubase, Cakewalk and so forth. These programs record complicated tracks of audio and Midi in excellent synchronization.

Now you have all the equipment you need for the "in" phase. What will you need to take the many tracks of audio and Midi you have recorded and make a song out of them?

The "out" phase -- development Midi into music

We mentioned that Midi is plainly digital instructions, it is not actual sounds. Now we will need to generate actual sounds from those instructions. There are two options for this: external and internal.

External sounds come in limited boxes called sound modules (or keyboards with their own great sounds). Sound modules have hundreds of high-quality patches that re-create every instrument in the orchestra, classic electronic sounds, spacey new synthesizer creations and sound effects. To use them, you send the Midi back out from the sequencer schedule through the audio interface's Midi output and into the sound module. You then take the audio output from the sound module back into your computer via the line input on your audio interface and record it on a new audio track in the sequencer. It is now a real sound and is perfectly lined up with the other tracks.

Internal sounds come in lots of dissimilar types. Instruments that you use from within your audio/Midi sequencer consist of Vst instruments and software synths. The latter may automatically come with your audio interface, or want factory like any other program. option two is a full-blown sampler/synthesizer program, such as "Reason", that you join together your sequencer to through a software function called "Rewire." And there are also sound modules that come in the form of Pci cards that you physically setup on your computer.

Fine tuning and effects

Most every song will use spatial effects such as reverb and echo. You may find that some tracks are sLightly out of tune. On others, there may be a consistent buzz that needs to be reMoved. For all of these, you will want to have an audio editing schedule or plug-in. A plug-in is plainly a function you can add to your basic sequencer program. Plug-ins exists for all kinds of functions, including reverb, compression, equalization, Noise reduction, pitch improvement and so forth.

An audio editing schedule is a standalone schedule that does all of these things. With most audio/Midi sequencers, you can configure your software to call up the audio editing schedule and fix the track without leaving the sequencer.

Mixing down

Once you have all of your tracks and sounds recorded, you will need to mix them down to stereo. Again, this can be done in an external or internal fashion. To do it externally, you would need a hardware mixer. This recipe limits you to the amount of tracks you can send independently through your audio interface and the amount of tracks your mixer can handle. Nonetheless, mixers give you a real surface to work on, and often consist of capability studio effects, reverbs and such.

Internal mixing means using your audio/Midi sequencer to mix down the entire song to two tracks. The advantage of doing it internally is the wide amount of tracks you can use. The disadvantage is the mystery of mixing with a mouse on a computer screen. There are, however, hardware mixing surfaces which plainly control your software program.

Mastering and burning

Once you have your stereo mix, you want to put the finishing touches on it. These touches consist of extensive compression, equalization, Noise reduction, fading in and out and bringing the recording up to a normalized level of volume. Your audio editing schedule should be able to handle these adequately, although there are specialized mastering programs which offer higher capability and many more enhancement features.

Then you're ready to burn your song to Cd. Odds are that your Cd writing drive came with a schedule that does just that and you won't need anyone more. I did mention that you'll need a Cd writing drive, didn't I? Well, now I did! And if it's Mp3 you're after, most audio programs encode Mp3s as well.

And that's it! Now you have everything you need to make your musical magic at home. Have fun, but I don't need to tell you that, because it just is.

Home Recording Studio Basics - Here's What You Need to record

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